Uganda Governance Baseline Survey 2014


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Uganda Governance Baseline Survey 2014

July 15, 2015

Good Governance is critical to achieving the National Development Plan and Millennium Development Goals. Efforts made by the Ugandan Government of Uganda in streamlining Governance issues have been documented by a number of international and national studies by Transparency International, Afro Barometer, Africa Peer Review Mechanism by the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) and the IGs - National Integrity Survey and partially in the National Service Delivery Survey.

These studies have shown strong linkages between establishing democratic governance, reducing poverty and securing access to justice. Democratic governance is normally undermined where access to justice for all citizens (irrespective of gender, race, religion, age, class or creed) is absent, since being poor and marginalized means being deprived of choices, opportunities, access to basic resources and a voice in decision-making.

The National Governance Baseline Survey (NGBS) is the first of its kind in the country. It aimed at generating baseline data on governance indicators. The Survey collected information on the different themes of Governance which include Human Rights, Access to Justice, Access to Information, Democracy and Decentralization, Political Representation and Participation and, Transparency and Accountability. The findings of the survey form a benchmark for indicators on Governance in the National Development Plan (NDP), and inform the review process of the NDP II.

Key Highlights

  • 73 percent of the respondents perceived corruption to be a serious problem in Uganda
  • 77 percent agreed that human rights are respected in the country.
  • 45 percent of the population that fell sick sought care from a Government Health Unit/Hospital as their first point of consultation
  • 10 percent of the population who sought treatment for major illnesses paid a bribe other than the normal payment in the clinic
  • 72 percent felt that the media gave equal coverage to all candidates during the last Presidential elections
  • 68 percent (aged 18 years and above) reported that the Electoral Commission served without taking sides in the 2011 general elections
  • 75 percent of the population (aged 18 years and above) voted in the 2011 Local Government elections while 80 percent voted during the Presidential elections.
  • 5 percent of the eligible voting population found that someone had already voted in their name during the 2011 presidential elections
  • 19 percent of the voters reported to have witnessed some form of irregularities during the 2011 presidential elections
  • Only 57 percent of the respondents strongly agreed that Cabinet respects the rule of law
  • Overall, 54 percent of the respondents reported that Civil Society Organizations in their sub county were independent of the Government in performing their duties, compared to 24 percent which reported that they were not independent while 22 percent didn’t know
  • 28 percent of the adult population aged 18 years and above did not know of their right to access information
  • Only 27 percent of the respondents reported to be informed about the utility of public funds by their Local Councils