2012-2013 UNDP Annual Report


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2012-2013 UNDP Annual Report

June 12, 2013

In 177 countries and territories, UNDP supports actions to lift living standards, create opportunities and enable people to live fulfilling lives. Our 2012-2013 Annual Report showcases how we deliver results through programmes on poverty reduction and the Millennium Development Goals, democratic governance, crisis prevention and recovery, and the environment and sustainable development. It highlights the reach of our diverse partnerships, and our globally recognized initiatives on transparency and accountability.


  • UNDP has assisted the development of the Ethiopian Commodities Exchange, the first of its type in sub-Saharan Africa. We've helped 100,000 farmers adapt agricultural practices to become resilient to weather changes.
  • Mobile legal services units in Sri Lanka have aided over 175,000 people to access documents—and their rights—related to marriage, property and citizenship. Streamlined one-stop assistance encourages public use and reduces corruption.
  • A UNDP-backed programme in Colombia has helped around 40,000 people displaced by internal conflict resettle in new localities. The idea is simple: give people the tools they need to start over, from small plots of land to core social services.
  • In Croatia, with Global Environment Facility (GEF) financing, UNDP has aided systematic energy monitoring raising efficiencies in around 11,000 public buildings in 95 out of 127 cities.


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Regions and Countries