What does gender-responsive peacebuilding look like?


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What does gender-responsive peacebuilding look like?

March 9, 2019

This issue brief provides a case study of approaches and steps taken to mainstream gender into the Preventing Violent Extremism through Prompting Tolerance and Respect for Diversity Programme (Aug 2018 – Jan 2020) which was rolled out by UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub to “reduce the vulnerabilities of the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand to violent extremism, reduce the dangers of radicalization
and increase resilience of local communities and societies as whole towards terrorist attacks.” While the project was officially signed on Aug 2018, work began in late 2016 in conceptualizing and developing the programme and leveraging partnerships.

This study will underline the vital importance of integrating gender into the heart of any peacebuilding programme from the onset rather than introducing standalone gender targeted projects. It is written for development practitioners who are working on peacebuilding projects and programmes, especially those focusing on violent extremism.