The First National MDG report 2004


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The First National MDG report 2004

August 14, 2013

The Office of the President and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia of Mongolia jointly undertook a coordinating role in preparing this Report. The process of preparing the first National Report on the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals has not been an easy task. Cooperation and partyicipation of the Government of Mongolia, civil society and donor organizations have been crucial to this Report. To improve the content and quality of the report, a series of meetings, discussions and debates have been taken place at different levels, and views and thoughts of ordinary people have bbeen widely reflected in the report. In doing so, a national task force was established, consisting of officials from the relevant ministries and scholars. The UN system organizations, namely UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, ADB and the World Bank, have provided valuable support both in terms of expertise and financial assistance within their respective projects and programmes.

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