Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in the Asia-Pacific


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Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in the Asia-Pacific

August 27, 2013

Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in the Asia-Pacific is a report developed by the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre, investigating the sustainable energy opportunities and challenges in the region in relation to poverty reduction and development. It is produced in line with the United Nations Secretary General’s Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4ALL), which seeks to reach three goals by 2030: Universal access to modern energy; double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; and double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

The report covers a sample of 18 countries in Asia and the Pacific, their current energy situation regarding electrification rates and dependency on traditional fuel such as wood and charcoal. It explores the potential for renewable energy in the region, including hydropower, wind, solar and biomass, as well as experiences and opportunities to improve energy efficiency.  Finally, the report describes four main barriers to reach the goals of Sustainable Energy for All, and suggests solutions for how these barriers can be overcome, using specific examples from the region.

While the Report emphasizes that all three SE4ALL goals – energy access, energy efficiency and renewable energy – are high priorities for Asia-Pacific, achieving universal access represents the most immediate goal, as well as perhaps the largest opportunity for achieving the other goals.  The analysis reveals numerous cases throughout Asia-Pacific where access to electricity and modern forms of energy have facilitated the provision of adequate food, shelter, clothing, water, sanitation, medical care, education, and access to information.  However. 1.3 billion people worldwide still live completely without access to electricity, and 2.7 billion worldwide are dependent on solid fuels such as wood or charcoal for household energy. What might be more surprising is the fact that more than half of the people living with no electricity at all live in Asia-Pacific, and a staggering 72% of the world’s population dependent on traditional fuels for cooking reside in this region.

Regions and Countries