Synthesis of Important Discussions on Employment, Governance and Microfinance Issues under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme


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Synthesis of Important Discussions on Employment, Governance and Microfinance Issues under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

August 19, 2013

This publication incorporates all the knowledge products on MGNREGA including innovative mechanisms for payment of wages. In all, 12 consolidated replies are included in the document. The document is very useful for all those working directly or indirectly on MGNREGA as it covers various subthemes  like women in NREGP works, Taking NREGA beyond wages to sustainable livelihoods, integrating sustainable agriculture and  asset building within NREGA, NREGA operational Guidelines, Redressal mechanism in NREGA, ICT for NREGP implementation and innovative ways for wage payment under MGNREGA.