Egypt Human Development Report 2008 - Egypt's Social Contract: The Role of Civil Society


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Egypt Human Development Report 2008 - Egypt's Social Contract: The Role of Civil Society

February 28, 2013

Civil society organizations are deeply embedded in Egypt, grounded in historic philanthropic practices, frequently exercised through faith-based Wakf or Endowment Funds. Such charity work has exhibited continuity over the years. However, there are now new opportunities for civil society organizations to link up with the newer concepts and practices of development, especially with the programs proposed under a new social contract. This calls for wider initiatives whereby partnerships between multiple government and community agencies, with support from private or international donors, ensure enhanced, replicable and sustainable efforts that dovetail with state plans and resources.


  • The Egypt Human Development Report 2008 has reviewed the status of Egypt’s civil society and its organizations and proposes ways and means by which this important sector of society, in alliance with other state actors, can contribute substantially to Egypt’s development efforts.
  • EHDR 2008 also demonstrates that a number of Egypt’s CSOs have been engaged — to various degrees — in best practice application of their missions. These cover relevant and, indeed, crucial areas of development such as education, health, micro credit facilities for SMEs, culture, the environment, housing and sanitation.
Document Type
Regions and Countries